Last updated: March 29, 2024

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 100 chemical compounds found in the Cannabis plant. CBD is extracted from the plant and diluted with hemp seed oil, coconut oil or something similar. Unlike THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD is not psychoactive meaning it does not alter your frame of mind (it won’t get you “high”). The human body has an endocannabinoid system that interacts with any cannabinoid intake. When you ingest cannabinoids, the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain and nervous system bind to the cannabinoids releasing their effects. We take the finest CBD concentrates and mix them with our unique Vapoholic flavours to create amazing CBD E Liquid and deliver a deliciously satisfying experience with every vape. The entire CBD Calm range is regularly laboratory tested to ensure we’re always maintaining our high standards.

CBD is the abbreviation for Cannabidiol; a natural chemical compound found in cannabis plants among many other cannabinoids. Despite the reputation of recreational cannabis plant products, CBD has no psychoactive effects – these are caused by THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). All our CBD products are certified THC-free.

Is CBD Cannabis?

Despite its notoriety for alternate uses, cannabis is the name of a genus that encompasses hemp and marijuana, as a part of a small family of flowering plants. CBD comes from the hemp plant specifically, which is also referred to as industrial hemp for its cultivation for several commercial industries..

Is CBD Legal in the UK?

Yes! CBD is legal in the UK so long as less than 0.2% of THC is present in the origin hemp. This makes your favourite Vapoholic CBD E-liquid, chocolate and oil legal in the UK. Products containing greater than 0.2% of THC are prohibited under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and the Misuse of Drug Regulations Act 2001.

Does CBD Get You High?

Something we’re asked on a regular basis as a leading manufacturer of CBD E-liquids is: does CBD make you high? As earlier mentioned, it isn’t possible for CBD to get you high because our liquids and our CBD oil do not contain the psychoactive, THC. In fact, Cannabis plants high in CBD are naturally lower in THC. So, can CBD get you high? The simple answer is no.

What Form Does Raw CBD Come In?

Natural CBD comes in two forms, Isolate and Distillate. Raw CBD Isolate comes in the form of a powder which is carefully blended with PG (Propylene Glycol) while heated to dissolve the crystals. We then add the VG (Vegetable Glycerin) and any flavourings, carefully heating and mixing in stages to ensure all the CBD is blended perfectly with the E Liquid. CBD Isolate does not crystallize as easily or become as cloudy as CBD Distillate does, but it can still happen if you’re using a high strength CBD Isolate.Raw CBD Distillate comes in the form of large crystals which have to be chopped up and ground down into a fine powder. The refined CBD Distillate is then mixed in a similar way to the CBD Isolate E Liquid, but at higher temperatures and with a higher concentration of PG. This is because CBD Distillate does not dissolve as easily as the Isolate, even when ground into a fine powder. Our expert mixologists have developed their own unique mixing technique for CBD Distillate to ensure it’s blended as smoothly and accurately with our E Liquid as is humanly possible.

Why Is My CBD Oil Crystallising?

Firstly, don’t worry if your CBD becomes cloudy or begins crystallise. This isn’t a sign your CBD has gone bad or off, and it doesn’t mean your CBD is of a lower quality. On the contrary, this only happens with high concentrations of pure CBD oil, so it’s actually a sign your CBD is high quality and loaded with cannabinoids. Now that we know how CBD is made and what it’s like in it’s natural form, we can easily understand why it crystallises. Since CBD’s natural form is that of a crystal, if the E Liquid gets too cold, the CBD begins to reform into it’s natural state. If your CBD E Liquid is packed with cannabinoids, the crystals form faster and at higher temperatures. To get rid of the crystals so you can use your E Liquid again, simply fill up a cup of hot water and pop your CBD E Liquid bottle into the cup until the crystals have dissolved.

Why Is My CBD Oil Pink?

You might have noticed your CBD E Liquid has arrived with a pink tinge, or has turned slightly pink over time. This is a natural phenomenon and does not impact the quality or flavour of your CBE E Liquid, in fact, it’s just another sign your CBD E Liquid is of an extremely high quality. Pure plant oils contain nutrients called Medium-Chain Triglyceride Oils, such as the Polyphenol Oxidase enzyme. The presence of this enzyme is a sign that the oil obtained from the plant is free of any contaminants (it’s 100% pure). When this enzyme is exposed to oxygen and light, the natural chemical reaction turns the CBD oil a light pink colour. Our 3000mg CBD E Liquid is extremely concentrated and as such turns slightly pink as soon as it’s been manufactured. You only need to consider replacing your CBD E Liquid if brown lumpy crystals appear that won’t dissolve.

How to Take CBD Oil?

It’s easy to take CBD oil sublingually (under the tongue) with our CBD Calm Oil. Simply place 2-4 drops under the tongue and allow a few seconds for absorption. Sublingual administration is advised as there are many capillaries that lead directly to the bloodstream underneath the tongue. When you ingest CBD oil (by swallowing), the effects may be felt a little more slowly than when vaping CBD due to the effect of saliva on its bioavailability, where the rate is around 30%. Of course, you can also vape CBD oil when it’s combined with E Liquid. CBD E Liquid is simply CBD oil which has been expertly mixed with the two standard ingredients in E Liquid, VG (Vegetable Glycerin) and PG (Propylene Glycol). These substances act as the perfect delivery agent for CBD Oil, allowing the bioavailability of CBD through vaping to increase up-to 60%.

What Does CBD Do?

Not everybody feels the effects of CBD in the same way, to the same degree, or within the same timeframe. Bioavailability is a major factor in the effect CBD may have on you, and more specifically refers to the rate and degree of substance absorption within the blood. The MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) prevents any CBD merchant in the UK from making medical claims regarding such products, though we recommend conducting your own research into whether CBD products are suitable for your needs/good for you.

Does CBD Help Pain?

Many people take CBD to help with pain management. Although we aren’t permitted to make any medical claims about CBD’s efficacy in treating pain, there are some studies out there which suggest it could be useful for alleviating some types of pain. When it comes to CBD, vaping for pain management may be your best bet. That’s because vaping is by far the most bio-available way to take your CBD, so if you’re looking to treat pain then you’ve got a better chance of succeeding if you vape it.

How Does CBD Make You Feel?

CBD is inherently likely to provide a different experience depending on the individual. While it is often reported that CBD can encourage a variety of relieving sensations, we’d highly recommend starting off slowly and at lower strengths when trying CBD for the first time. The most frequently asked question regarding how CBD makes you feel is “Does CBD Make You Sleepy?”. While some people may use CBD, CBD Oil or vaping CBD in the late evening, the idea that CBD makes you sleepy is unfounded. THC is actually the cannabinoid associated with inducing a sleepy state, alongside its further psychoactive effects that lead to its illegal status under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.

How Long Does CBD Take to Work?

As with the other attributes of CBD, the length of time it takes for CBD to take effect is variable by the individual, and the method of delivery. You are likely to feel the effects of CBD more quickly with vaping CBD, which in turn offers higher bioavailability. Ingesting CBD invariably takes far longer than vaping or sublingual tincture administration, due to having to navigate the digestive system before taking effect.In its 2018 report on CBD, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated, “Aerosolized CBD has been reported to yield rapid peak plasma concentrations in 5–10 minutes and higher bioavailability than oral administration.” Bioavailability of CBD through vaping can be as high as 60%.

Can I take any drugs with CBD?

CBD can alter the way your body handles certain medications due to the way we metabolise various substances. Medication and other drugs are processed throughout of the body, but the liver is a crucial component in drug metabolism. CBD acts as an inhibitor and may inhibit a key enzyme that works to metabolise about 60% of prescribed medications; meaning CBD may impact the body’s ability to process them effectively. Alternatively, if the prescribed medication inhibits such enzymes, the body will not respond to the CBD as effectively. Research has shown this to be the case with some antidepressants, heart medications, medications that cause drowsiness, medications with the ‘Grapefruit warning’ and various others. 

Ultimately, if you are taking prescribed medication, we would always recommend consulting with a medical professional prior to taking CBD with antidepressants and other substances.  Your prescribed medication should always take priority over CBD, and combined usage should follow the advice of a medical professional.The same caution should also be applied when considering whether CBD affects birth control. Dependant on the hormones present in each type of contraceptive pill, CBD as an enzyme inhibitor may decrease the effectiveness of contraceptive pills that utilise oestrogen: increasing the risk of breakthrough bleeding and pregnancy.

How Much CBD Should I Vape?

The daily dosage of CBD varies on an individual basis (tolerance, body-mass, bioavailability) but is also dependent on the strength of CBD, and the reason for taking it. Realistically, it comes down to each individual person’s needs.As an example, if you purchase 1000mg CBD Calm and you would like 27mg CBD per day with your tank filled to the max, it will contain 40mg CBD. This means that vaping just over half your tank per day would technically provide sufficient CBD. However, due to bioavailability you probably want to vape the whole tank as not all the CBD is absorbed into the body. We’d always advise starting slowly and monitoring the effects felt with a small dose and building this up over time.

How Long Does CBD Last?

Research on this is unfortunately scarce, and again the length of time that CBD stays in your system varies by the individual, the dose, and frequency of intake. Generally speaking, the faster CBD is processed by the body, the faster it will leave. This means that it is probable for CBD consumed by vaping to be detectable for less time than sublingually administered CBD, and orally consumed CBD.If you’re worried about whether CBD will show up on a blood test, don’t worry! The reason a blood test is commissioned determines the type of test used, and CBD as a legal consumable product, is not something that is typically tested for. THC may be tested for, but our CBD Calm range meets the legal requirement of containing less than 0.2%.

Can CBD Cause Anxiety or Headaches?

Some people may have heard of an initial increase in anxiety if they are new to CBD and start on too high a dose. This is one of the reasons we’d recommend starting your CBD journey slowly, though most reports of increased anxiety with CBD have been tied to the THC present in unregulated products.

Our CBD Calm range contains less than 0.2% THC.When it comes to CBD’s association with headaches, no conclusive evidence has been found, nor have headaches been listed as a side effect of CBD even in large doses. The Propylene Glycol found in E-Liquid can be mildly dehydrating though, so if you’re vaping your CBD or vape often in general, we of course recommend staying hydrated!

What Is a CBD Tincture?

While both ‘CBD Oil’ and ‘CBD Tincture’ are terms that are often used interchangeably, and both can be administered sublingually; the difference lies in their composition. While in the CBD industry, the definitions may become murky, traditional tinctures (whatever their purpose) are created by dissolving a substance in alcohol.

Many CBD Tinctures are not created with alcohol as a part of the process but are still labelled as tinctures for the presence of various other ingredients like added nutrients and other terpenes and cannabinoids. Our CBD Calm Oil is formulated without an alcohol base, and accurately fits the description of an oil as opposed to a tincture.Really, the difference in effect is minute, though the method of administration again makes this variable. CBD tinctures may be considered more suitable for adding to food, while CBD Oil is commercially presented as an oral/sublingual product.

Will I Fail a Drug Test if I Take CBD?

CBD should not show up on a typical drugs test aiming to detect elicit substances, but there is a small risk of this if the product contains more than the legal trace amounts of THC.  The nature of the test determines its success in identifying CBD and while it is rare for drug tests to search for CBD specifically, it can be tested for if required for the institution enforcing the test.